Tag: gaza

  • War & Boycotts: Analyzing the Impact on the Foodservice Industry in Kuwait and the Middle East

    War & Boycotts: Analyzing the Impact on the Foodservice Industry in Kuwait and the Middle East

    DOWNLOAD INFOGRAPHIC Overview Product boycotts are a common form of consumer activism where individuals choose not to purchase specific goods as a means of expressing disapproval of a company’s practices. The ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas has resulted in a notable product boycott, particularly affecting regional businesses such as those in the foodservice industry.…

  • Boycott Update

    Boycott Update

    In Kuwait, US foodservice brands make up 7% of the industry’s outlet supply but contribute a substantial 20% to the total revenue. Throughout November, these US-based brands experienced a consistent decline in their sales, but this decline began to ease in early December. The ceasefire played a role in a slight revenue rebound, but the…

  • War & Boycotts in the Middle East

    War & Boycotts in the Middle East

    Background The people in the Middle East are no strangers to boycotting products and services that come in direct conflict with their values. During the boycott campaigns, consumers tend to fight producers and service providers that directly or indirectly show solidarity to causes that contradict theirs by consuming localized alternatives. Muslim communities for example, have…